Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Why education is so important?
Here is why according to me. I had never been a great fan…(why am I being so politically correct today?) of any political party; partly because I had never been too affected by them. Or at least I thought I had never been too affected by them on a daily basis. I have studied in a fairly good school and completed my graduation. The town I come from has two government schools; one for boys and one for girls. They also had a mid-day meal system there.
But, I never saw the class room full at any time. Agreed that people coming to free schools are from poor families and they need to earn the living for the family and hence no time for school. But, when the government is making an effort to run schools and give food, why aren’t parents still making an effort to send children to school? And later when they grow up, they are going to say that government didn’t do anything for them.
What am I missing? I am puzzled. Why are we expecting government to feed us? We don’t live in a communist society, so why?
I do understand that they are there for the well being of the society but to expect that they feed us…isn’t that a little too much to ask?
If you are educated, you will be able to find a job right? You will be able to pull your chin up and survive. For that matter, it’s the will power which takes us a long way. Even a person who doesn’t know a b c d has succeeded!
What am I missing? What are we…or what should we expect from government?
I am trying to write an article about UP’s CM Mayawati. Please do wait for it.
Her quest for power, money and eventual honor of Goddess is something we all need to admire…however cynical. Nite nite now. Have sweet dreams. Mine have been preposterous lately. Ha!!! Perhaps deserve it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
1) What is your current obsession?
Getting the weeds out of my grass
2) What are you wearing today?
Skirt and a blouse.
3) What’s for dinner?
I made mango Dal and Okra fry for tonight’s dinner
4) What’s the last thing you bought?
Coffee just about 30 minutes ago.
5) What are you listening to right now?
Not right now but the last song I heard was…my, I am actually thinking now. Yeah that old song, Rim jhim gire saavan….suag sulag jaaye mann.
6) What do you think about the person who tagged you?
A lady with so much balance in thoughts that I come back to her blog everyday to check if she had added anything new.
7) If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the
world, where would you like it to be?
Never thought about this but I think I would like to have a small island with all the amenities required.
8) What are your must-have pieces for summer?
Shades and sunscreen.
9) If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Any where quite…so quite that I can actually fall asleep while reading a book.
10) Which language do you want to learn?
I want to learn to write Tamil. I can speak it well but cannot write so far.
11) What’s your favourite quote?
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
) Who do you want to meet right now?
My sister
13) What is your favorite timepass?
Always been either reading a book or gardening.
14) Give us 3 styling tips that work for you.
When you don’t know how to do your hair according to what you are wearing, just blow dry your hair and leave it loose; add a string of pearls on your neck and you ARE going to look simple and sweet.
15) What is your dream job?
I love gardening so I would love to open my own nursery sometime.
16) What’s your favorite magazine?
None so far. For some weird reason that I never got in to reading magazines.
17) If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
I had been meaning to buy a new hand bag, so $100 for a hand bag I guess.
19) Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon?
Paris Hilton
20) What kind of haircut do you prefer?
Shoulder length.
21) What are you going to do after this?
I would reach my work place shortly, so start working
22) What are your favorite books (Movies was the question but I couldn’t come up with an answer, so I changed it to books)?
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and Jane Austin’s, Persuasion
23) What inspires you?
I fell in love with photography after I had seen my friend’s collection of pictures. So, I think when ever I see something tasteful I get inspired by it.
24) What do your friends call you most commonly?
My name
25) Would you prefer coffee or tea?
Coffee always
26) What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
I try to walk it off. If it’s not working, I call a friend.
27) What makes you go wild?
People trying to intimidate me at work or any place.
28) Which other blogs do you love visiting?
All in my blog list and many more.
29) Favorite Dessert/Sweet?
Fruit salad with custard.
30) How many tabs are turned on in ur browser right now?
31) Favorite Season?
Rainy but I don’t like earth worms.
32) If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me?
Fresh pan cakes with maple syrup
33) What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?
I don’t know if it’s the right way but I usually tell them that I am hurt and leave it at that. And after that, I try and avoid further contact with them.
34) What are you afraid of the most?
Me going blind or disabled.
35) When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I still need to work out more and what’s up with my hair today!
36) What brings a smile on your face instantly?
When ever I imagine a baby, I smile.
37) A word that you say a lot?
Oh my!
38) A prayer always made ?
Be sensitive while keeping up your chin.
39) What is that one thing that keeps you going.
Hope. It’s the magic word.
40) what is more impotant to you...being right or adjustment?
Depends on whom I am dealing with. Call it hypocrisy but if I am with family I usually let many things pass.
I am tagging the below people. I am sorry Samvedna, I am unable to tag more than 3.
1. Invincible
2. Gouri
3. Dolrama
Friday, May 21, 2010
Couple of things...
Couple of things has been going on in my mind. Please PLEASE drive safe on roads! Follow the speed limits; they are there for a reason. If you are angry, intoxicated or not in the right frame of mind, take public transport. Just wanted to share this with you all, even though you are all wise enough not to act stupid on roads. Split second is all it takes…
Long weekend coming up for us! I am planning on getting lots of yard work done. We are also planning to go picnic to a near by beach. Yeah yeah…I will take lots of pictures :)
Here is the poem which I had written to my nephew, who is due to arrive in this world in the second week of August :)
I have known you since a few months now;
I am so exited; arrive soon love.
You won my heart before I had seen you,
this could happen, I had no clue.
Mommy set your room all ready,
Complete with a big new teddy.
Daddy painted your room blue,
and stuck pictures of Winnie the Pooh.
Diapers they bought in hundreds,
your beauty I am sure exceeds Worlds wonders.
Momma collected books she had listened as baby
you will like them too my precious ruby.
We bought you bibs and mittens,
on which there are brightly knitted kittens.
We bought carefully selected toys
Shopping for you is such a joy!
Oh! Please come soon dear one,
I am so excited, I can hardy wait now Hun.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Golconda Fort- Hyderabad
The fort was first built in 13 century by Kakatiya kings. The name is derived from Telugu (of course), Golla Konda; shepherds hill. Built on a granite hill, the fort is 400 ft high. The Kaktiya Dynasty (Warangal in Andhra) was conquered by Islamic Bahmani Sultanat and then by Qutb Shahi Dynasty in early 15th century. In 1687, it succumbed to Aurangazeb and then entire fort underwent siege and ruins.
During the Qutb dynasty is, the city/fort was expanded and renovated. The mud fort was rebuilt with granite. The fort was protected by two walls, 5 km the inner forts circumference and 7km the outer ‘protective’ wall. In between were the deep waters and the alligators!
Here are a few pictures of the remaining splendor. Below is the main entrance to the fort. Do you see two peacock cravings on the top? Right above them, do you see a small rectangular black opening? That is used to pour hot oil below, should the enemy manage to come near the gates. Also the entrance (I couldn’t capture the entire pic) is just wide enough to fit one elephant. And the yard is constructed in such a way that once the elephant is inside, it does not have enough space to turn around and go back. So it is stuck here with the enemy burning in the hot oil. (The one wearing the blue striped shirt was our guide).
Remember this yard well as I will come back to it later.
After 12 years, two young warriors (believed to be as Rama and Lakshmana) mysteriously enter the court and repay the money in full for Ramdas’s release. When the emperor realizes that it was Rama and Lakshmana, he feels that it was the miracle of Allah and sends the entire money back to Bhadrachalam, Rama temple. Since that year, till date, every year during Ram Navami, state government sends funds to Bhadrachalam temple.
Absolutely amazing architecture! I was so surprised that even in those days people had such powerful technology.
And not to forget, the sanitary and plumbing works were excellent! I took the picture but am unable to post. I will use pointers to highlight the hot/cold water lines. YES! They had a special broiler for hot water!
Last but not the least, just before going to the fort, we came across this “Homoeo World”. Any one wanting to prevent swine flu can get medicine from “Homoeo World”! What fun we had!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My garden pictures
This pink one is the dwarf tulip which I picked up recently. Beside that is the yellow pansies. Its supposed to attract butterflies, lets wait and see.
This is the experiment I am doing. This is a small ginger root which I planted. I hope to see some ginger growing soon, like in 6 weeks. Will post a picture then.
A loner this tulip has become. I often forget the name of the lavender flower which looks like a lilac! The pink one is the thick seed.
Some annuals which I absolutely adore. They also are a great fillers.
I started a few flower plants from the seed (left). Hopefully they grow up. Right now they are still germinating...If they bloom, I will post a picture later in the season.
And who would forget the daffodils and Wordsworth?
This is the strawberry seedling i bought. 3 weeks ago this was the size and now its still the same. perhaps I am over-watering and killing it with love.
I don't seem to get over my love for tulips!
I also bought them in purple, red and orange. Once they bloom, I will post the picture. Yeah...this year mine are coming late.
Here is methi, coriander, green chilly and peppers. Methi and Coriander seem to come before the rest.
Below is the Asiatic Lily. Hopefully the weather warms up before winter for them to bloom :) They give a nice fragrance when in full bloom. I will post another picture when in full bloom.