Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A long absence

Dear all...I am glad to announce that my husband and I are expecting our first baby. As of now, though I am still in early stages of pregnancy, most of my time is consumed in reading your blogs and reading about baby stuff. So, I will not be able to blog for a while now.

I will still be peeking into yours on and off :)

Baby is due in Dec-2011.


  1. How are you taking the pregnancy? how are you feeling?..babies are such a bliss..wish you all the best in this important journey of life..being as mother

  2. wooo hooo Congratualtions and all the best ..
    and dec wowo christmas time toooo

    take care and best wirshes


  3. Renu, I am very happy but pretty freaked out too :) So far everything seems in line.

    Dr.Anthony, thanks so much.

    Thanks a lot Bikram.

  4. wowie! congrats.. And good luck !

  5. Congratulations Madhu!!!. Great news. Just take it easy and Enjoy. I've been thinking abt you and came to visit your space and found out this really exciting news.
